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White Labs: WLP644 Saccharomyces Brux -Like Trois

White Labs: WLP644 Saccharomyces Brux -Like Trois

Regular price $15.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.99 USD
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This Belgian strain, traditionally used for wild yeast fermentations, produces a slightly tart beer with delicate mango and pineapple characteristics. It can also be used to produce effervescence when bottle-conditioning. Ferments quicker than typical Brettanomyces strains. WLP644 is packaged as normal Saccharomyces and the pitch rates are the same as Saccharomyces strains).


  • Attenuation: 85 +%
  • Flocculation: Low
  • Temp. Range: 70 – 85 F
  • Alcohol Tolerance: Med – High (8 -12%)

Suggested Substitutions*:

*Suggested yeast substitutions may not be an exact replacement, but they will be a very close approximation.

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