Local Clubs
Aurora City Brew Club
Aurora, CO
Year Established: 2014
Active Members: 26- 50 Annual Dues: $25 used for club events and AHA insurance
Meetings: First Sunday each month, 6:30pm @ The Brew Hut
Mission: “The primary focus of the Aurora City Brew Club is to bring together both new and experienced brewers. To share out passion for fermented beverages including beer, cider, mead, and wine, as well as to educate and meet new friends. Club meetings include sharing homebrew as well as everything from group brews, barrel fills, brewery tours, and advanced education.”
Rock Hoppers Brew Club
Aurora, CO
Year Established: 2008
Active Members: 26-50
Annual Dues: $40
Meetings: The Brew Classroom (Second Thursday of each month)
Mission: “The Rock Hoppers Brew Club is one of Colorado’s oldest and most recognized homebrewing clubs. Founded in 2008, our mission is to build a community of new and experienced brewers who have a passion for fermented beverages. We welcome new members, no matter how much or how little experience you have.”
Contact: Website, Email, Facebook
Foam on the Range
Denver, CO
Year Established: 1986
Active Members: 15-25
Annual Dues: $40
Meetings: Regular monthly meetings are at Monaco Place Apartments Common Space, 3355 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver CO 80222
Mission: Oldest club in Denver, started in 1986. We gather to share our passion, knowledge, and brewing experiences and our appreciation of beer, meads, and other homebrewed drinks. There are regular monthly meetings (generally first Wednesday of the month), Foam on the Road to experience various craft breweries (third week of the month), and our summer picnic (August). We conduct the Rocky Mountain Homebrew competition as well as support Big Brew Day, the FOTR Stein Beer day and conduct the FOTR Iron Brewer competition for judging at the picnic.
Contact: Email
The Weiss Guys
Centennial, CO
Year Established: 2009
Active Members: 10-25
Annual Dues: NA
Meetings: Monthly at various homes and local breweries
Mission: ”Very low key. Many members-only brew at the monthly club ‘brewparties’.”
Contact: Website
The Brew Crew
Denver, CO
Year Established: 2014
Active Members: 10-25
Annual Dues: $20
Meetings: Meets monthly at Diebolt Brewing
Mission: The Brew Crew is a friendly, welcoming group. We share home-brewed beer, cider, and mead during our monthly meetings. In addition to the monthly meetings, we host bottle shares, brew days, internal competitions, and other brewing related events.”
Contact: Website
Lakewood Fermentation Club
Year Established: 2020
Active Members: 25-35
Annual Dues: $35
Meetings: Third Saturday of each month at 11 am at Old 121 Brewhouse
Mission: We are committed to building a community of fermentation enthusiasts who are interested in camaraderie, education, fermentation, and of course enjoying a craft beverage. Our club contains a variety of brewers that range from the homebrewer to home wine, cider makers, and even fermented foods. Both homebrewers and professional brewers are welcome.
The heart of our meetings is homebrewing education to make us stronger brewers. For example, past meeting topics have ranged from guest speakers in the brewing industry, to off-flavor tastings, blind tastings of different yeasts, visiting Root Shoot Malting, water chemistry, and recipe design.
We host quarterly fermentation challenges designed to bring us out of our comfort zones. In addition, we host quarterly happy hours so that club members can get to know one another
Contact: Website, Instagram, Facebook
Parker Hopaholics
Parker, CO
Year Established: 2013
Active Members: 26-50
Annual Dues: $25
Meetings: Last Tuesday of each month at various homes, local breweries, and shops.
Mission: “To bring together both seasoned and novice brewers together to learn about and enjoy crafting beverages.”
Contact: Website

Distilling School
If you are interested in learning about distilling. Check out the Distilling School from our friends at Downslope Distilling