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Wyeast: 3711 – French Saison

Wyeast: 3711 – French Saison

Regular price $14.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.50 USD
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A very versatile strain that produces Saison or farmhouse style beers as well as other Belgian style beers that are highly aromatic (estery), peppery, spicy and citrusy. This strain enhances the use of spices and aroma hops, and is extremely attenuative but leaves an unexpected silky and rich mouthfeel. This strain can also be used to re-start stuck fermentations or in high gravity beers.


  • Attenuation: 77 -83%
  • Flocculation: Low
  • Temp. Range: 65 – 77 F
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 12%

Suggested Substitutions*:

*Suggested yeast substitutions may not be an exact replacement, but they will be a very close approximation.

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