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Ekuanot Hop Pellets (12.4% A.A.)

Ekuanot Hop Pellets (12.4% A.A.)

Regular price $3.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.49 USD
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Equinox hops offer pronounced aromatic characteristics that add a wonderful flavor to beer styles like IPAs and Pale Ales. An array of flavors brings something unique to your brew recipe and can range from herbal to spicy green pepper and tropical papaya to citrus. Typical AA range is 12-15%.

Flavor and Aroma:

  • Citrus, Tropical, Fruity, Herbal

Country of Origin:

  • USA

Suggested Substitute:

  • Huell Melon, El Dorado

Alpha Acid Range:

  • 12-15%
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