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Columbus (CTZ) Hop Pellets (12.9% A.A.)

Columbus (CTZ) Hop Pellets (12.9% A.A.)

Regular price $2.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.49 USD
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Also known as CTZ (Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus) Excellent bittering capability as originally intended, but craft brewers have also harnessed Columbus's intense, citrus-and-spice pungence for American-style IPAs.

Flavor and Aroma:

  • Intense and striking, displaying oily fresh citrus and wild herbal character; dry hopping can bring out pine and spice.

Country of Origin:

  • USA

Suggested Substitute:

  • Centennial, Chinook

Alpha Acid Range:

  • 14 - 17.5%
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