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Simcoe® Hop Pellets (14.2% A.A.)

Simcoe® Hop Pellets (14.2% A.A.)

Regular price $2.99 USD
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Developed by Select Botanicals Group and released in 2000, Simcoe® Brand YCR 14 is known for its brewing versatility and unique aroma characteristics. It contains high alpha and low-cohumulone which has found favor in the craft and home brewing industries for dual-purpose applications. Simcoe® is moderately tolerant to powdery mildew and has good pickability of a medium size cone.

Simcoe® are registered trademarks owned by Yakima Chief Hops, LLC.

Flavor and Aroma:

  • Specific aroma descriptors include passion fruit, pine, berry, and earth characteristics.

Country of Origin:

  • USA

Suggested Substitute:

  • Magnum, Summit

Alpha Acid Range:

  • 11 - 15%
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