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Galaxy Hop Pellets (14.0% A.A.)

Galaxy Hop Pellets (14.0% A.A.)

Regular price $3.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.49 USD
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Although it has adequate alpha content for bittering additions, Galaxy shines when used as an aroma and flavor hop – the later the better for flavor intensity. Its powerful tropical fruit character is at home as a feature in American pale and IPA, wheat beer, saison, and Brettanomyces-fermented beers.

Flavor and Aroma:

  • Intense and potent. Musky tropical fruit (passionfruit, apricot, Key lime) with dank citrus and earthy blackcurrant.

Country of Origin:

  • Australia

Suggested Substitute:

  • Citra, Simcoe, Amarillo

Alpha Acid Range:

  • 13 - 16%
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